Lucky In Love

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Day 33 Blood Pressure

Husband has high blood pressure. We knew this going into deployment. We had med holds during processing; however, he was still deployed. So I get my morning call.... Husband went to medical for a headache, which is typical when his bp is elevated. They took a bp reading... 170/110!!! Highest it has ever read. And this is after they increased his dosage back in May. To this day I don't know how he was cleared to deploy. So he goes back tomorrow for another reading. For the love of God.... could somebody please do their job and send him home to get his bp under control?! A persons blood pressure should never be that elevated and be allowed to work. I'm sure the temperatures where he is stationed are not helping the situation. Praying that his bp comes down soon.

I am very appreciative that we are able to communicate daily though. It is so nice to hear his voice each morning. I can not believe he has been gone over a month now. Hope the rest of the months fly just as quickly... or they can just answer my prayers and send him home on a medical leave :-)

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