I get a call at 2:15 am ... from Kuwait! Woohoo!! He is safe. There is a USO center where he is currently located and they have free phone calls and internet. Thank you Jesus! So happy to hear his voice from so far away. He traveled all night. His day had begun in Louisiana Thursday morning. They then flew to South Carolina where the USO had pizza and doughnuts for them. The girl scouts were passing out cookies. From there they flew to Maine and onto Germany. They were in Germany for a few hours before they finally arrived in Kuwait and had to unload all the bags from the plane. They sleep in tents. It is 110 degrees outside and desert everywhere.
I get a 2nd call at 11:30 am. He has tried to acclimate to the heat and time change. Been sleeping alot. They do have Mcdonalds, Subway, and a Coffee Shop.
I am so very grateful for the USO and the support and service they are providing our troops who are being sent far away from their families and put in tents... really?!! tents?!! It hurts my heart to hear about the conditions they are put in. For a war that I dont even believe in. 348 days to go...
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